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Hurricane Hub offers free training to 1st responders, community leaders on COVID-19 management

The Puerto Rico Public Health Trust’s Hurricane Hub has expanded its offerings to include trainings for individuals, organizations, and first responders to handle COVID-19.

Some of these trainings include:

  • New themes and tools;
  • Coronavirus, hurricanes, and resilience;
  • Affordable housing, equity, and security for families;
  • Well-being of primary health workers; and,
  • State, national, and global resources.

“There’s a lot of concern and anxiety among our first-response professionals regarding the management of this situation and we have training that can be of great help to these heroes who are in the first line of defense against this novel COVID-19,” said Leslie Maas-Cortés, director of the Hurricane Hub.

“We urge all police, fire, paramedics, health and public health personnel and all those who work to provide direct service to this emergency to request their training today,” said Maas-Cortés.

The Hurricane Hub is currently preparing its first virtual training session for the Expert-Led Outreach Project for Community Health Care Outcomes (ECHO) on the topic of “Resilience and psychological help for first responders, community leaders and public health workforce. Its launch is scheduled for April 21 at 6 p.m. To register, click HERE.

The goal is to train the workforce and facilitate training, technical assistance, and the exchange of public health information through professionals involved in recovery related to hurricanes, disasters, and now COVID-19.

The Hurricane Hub is part of five established centers in Texas, Louisiana, Florida Georgia, and Puerto Rico. The program is an effort sponsored by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Network of Institutes of Public Health (NNPHI) to improve recovery efforts from environmental and occupational health of the jurisdictions affected by the hurricanes.

The Hurricane Hub has stood out for offering specialized disaster personnel training on various topics related to emergencies such as: monitoring and training tools, how to deal with deaths, injuries and illnesses after a disaster, community assessment in emergency response (CASPER, for short), disaster epidemiology and shelter management, among others.

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This story was written by our staff based on a press release.


  1. Paul Lutton April 20, 2020

    The link does not exist. Thanks

    1. admin April 20, 2020

      Our apologies! Please just click right on the story on the website. Thanks!

  2. Paul Lutton April 20, 2020

    Sorry, I meant that the link to register isn’t attached to the HERE click button.

    1. admin April 20, 2020

      Thank you! We’ve inserted it in the story. Here it is: https://prsciencetrust.org/proyectoecho.


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