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Local exec. named advisor to int’l organizations that supports municipal gov’ts

The International City and County Management Association (ICMA) announced the appointment of local executive Mickey Espada as its advisor in Puerto Rico.

The organization aims to expand its membership on the island and support local government leaders with tools needed to address the challenges of day-to-day municipal governance operations in Puerto Rico.

As ICMA’s local advisor, Espada will be tasked with expanding ICMA membership, increasing the number of student chapters, supporting event organization, and identifying opportunities for ICMA to develop partnerships with Puerto Rican organizations to provide technical assistance and support networks that improve the performance of municipal governments through leadership, management, innovation, and ethics.

Espada has more than 20 years of experience in key executive positions in the government of Puerto Rico both at the central and municipal levels in service delivery, tourism, economic development, and other areas.

“Mickey has been a strong advocate for local governments, working with mayors of all political affiliations in Puerto Rico. He played a key role in connecting ICMA and its partners with the 78 municipalities after María to conduct service and governance assessments,” ICMA officials said in announcing the designation in a press release.

“The findings were essential in the formulation of recommendations to improve the long-term technical assistance and strategies reflected in the final report, published by the Government of Puerto Rico called ‘Transformation and Innovation in the Wake of Devastation: An Economic and Disaster Recovery Plan for Puerto Rico’,” the organization said.

For the past six years, Espada has led the organization of one of the most important local international government events in the Caribbean and Latin America, called the Puerto Rico Experience, which serves as a platform for organizations such as ICMA, the National League of Cities (NLC) and the Federation of Latin American Cities, Municipalities and Associations (FLACMA) to share their best practices in managing local governments and associations across the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Similarly, Espada was recently appointed commissioner for mayors and associations of North America for the American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Associations of Local Governments (FLACMA).

“This designation will improve the exchange of information and good practices for the benefit of mayors and associations of local governments as a basis for strengthening the decentralization and economic development of the Region,” said Sergio Arredondo Olvera, Secretary General of FLACMA.

Espada, for his part, expressed his appreciation for both appointments and stressed the importance of the development and training of municipal governments at critical times globally. 

“It;s a real honor to represent my country at this stage of my professional life after 12 years out of public service. I’m convinced that municipalities are a key part of the country’s rise. They are certainly a cornerstone for the development of efforts that drive economic development and contribute to improving services to citizens,” Espada said.

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This story was written by our staff based on a press release.

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